
  • 31 Dec

    Wheelman – a brand new comedy webseries

    Forget what you know about getaway driving. Wheelman has arrived…

    For more info on this exclusive web series, visit the Madcutta Films website.

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  • 12 Aug

    Robin Williams RIP

    Hello world.

    Harold Ramis. Mel Smith. Rik Mayall. The voice of shaggy from Scooby Doo. Now Robin Williams. Seems someone is systematically killing off my childhood. Anyway, Even though I left Comedy Central over a year ago, they won’t leave me alone. They asked me to write something about the most recent performer to cross over beyond the veil, so I scribbled this while on a train. Forgive the odd grammatical inconsistencies, but I only had twenty minutes…


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  • 03 Sep

    “The Blip”

    That little two-hander scene I filmed in Brighton in August has been cut into a short film in itself, which you can watch here.It won’t let me embed it for some irritating reason…

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  • 09 May

    Tudor Street vending and others…

    Been a bit quiet of late, mainly due to the fact I haven’t been doing very much.That said I’m overjoyed to see that a little bit of improvised comedy for the States has finally seen the light of day. We recorded it in 2007 and it essentially involved me dressed up in 16th Century mercantile wear trying to off load some codpieces to the general public.It was the first time I’d ever really done that sort of thing and normally I don’t enjoy so-called stunt comedy as I think it’s entirely based on taking the mick out of people and can be very mean-spirited.That said this turned out to be a lot of fun and everyone involved proved very game – in all a nice way to spend a winter morning on Tower Bridge. I just wished the tights were thicker.You can watch it here.In other news, i recently wrote and voiced a little animation for a corporate financial company, my sole remit to make shares fun and interesting. Hmm… Anyway, it’s here.Lastly, I was running around a council estate in West London at one in the morning dressed in full police anti-terrorist gear for a short film I co-wrote called Ali & The Lamp, so we’ll see how that tuns out.As you were.

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  • 20 Dec

    King’s Head

    Hello world!Just a quick one to say that I’ll be performing on stage at the famous “Downstairs At The King’s Head” in Crouch End this Sunday (21st) – Mock The Week’s Andy Parsons is headlining and it should be a good festive night, so come down if you’re around.As you were.

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  • 21 Nov


    I really shouldn’t blog when I’m boozed up.

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  • 21 Nov

    Hell is other people.

    I have of late come to the conclusion that things are not as they should be. I wish this was not the case but sadly it is. Only today I was in a pub sat irritatingly near a woman with the kind of grating, piercing laugh that cuts through you like kitchen scissors through cheap wrapping paper. Even her friends looked at her in abject horror, as if they didn’t know exactly how to treat this odious mostrosity before them: walk away or silence her raucous caterwalling with a pencil to the throat? Needless to say they did neither – instead they let her carry on with her own unique brand of auditory rape. I simply sat with my friend, put off our pints.

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